[2016-02-07 20:00] All right. [2016-02-07 20:00] Let's start the meeting. [2016-02-07 20:01] Welcome to the monthly meeting of DCNF, it's 2016-02-07. [2016-02-07 20:01] For these meetings we won't need a rigorous process of elections etc. [2016-02-07 20:01] For simplicity sake, I will be the chairman and Crise will be the secretary. [2016-02-07 20:01] If anyone wants to take either position, feel free to speak up. [2016-02-07 20:02] What we do need is a head count. [2016-02-07 20:02] So just state your name. [2016-02-07 20:02] Pretorian [2016-02-07 20:02] cologic [2016-02-07 20:02] Crise [2016-02-07 20:03] poy [2016-02-07 20:03] Ok, eMTee might be here -- I guess, he was here half an hour ago. [2016-02-07 20:03] Good, we can anyway start [2016-02-07 20:03] iceman50 [2016-02-07 20:04] There's a few items from the last meeting; * E-mail to EFF shall be drafted, ready to send (or possibly, have been sent) * Investigate shifting website to a VCS for storage (includes presentation of options) * Website should contain member list (of board) and member count * Website should contain calendar and upcoming meetings * Update of the forum software * Investigate setting up an IRC channel * Further HTTPS conversion management * Address re-branding of the blog [2016-02-07 20:04] Let's go through each of them, and then we can take additional actions/items that we shall discuss/do [2016-02-07 20:04] * E-mail to EFF shall be drafted, ready to send (or possibly, have been sent) [2016-02-07 20:05] Here is a proposal; [2016-02-07 20:05] Hi, I'm representing Direct Connect Network Foundation (DCNF) (www.dcbase.org), a non-profit organization that aims to improve information and resources in the file sharing and chat network Direct Connect (DC), https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Direct_Connect_(protocol) . DCNF aim to provide a legal framework and information to its users and the developers on what they can and cannot do. The organization is based in Sweden (subject to European law) but has services in France and the US, with members in various European countries and the US. DC developers have previously followed EFF's "What Peer-to-Peer Developers Need to Know about Copyright Law" (https://www.eff.org/wp/iaal-what-peer-peer-developers-need-know-about-copyright-law) as a basic frame of reference when it comes to legal matters. However, this only scratches the surface when it comes to an organization, and what its members might do. We have a few questions that we'd appreciate if someone at the EFF could answer; A) Can DCNF members help a person infringe on a copyright (e.g. by downloading a movie they don't have a legal right to download) without putting the organization itself in legal danger? What are the potential legal ramifications? B) Can DCNF board members do this and what are the potential legal ramifications? C) Can DCNF accept or provide support/services to projects that are managed by people that are known to have violated/infringed upon an item in the EFF's recommendation list? D) Whose laws are the organization subject to? The organization is registered in Sweden, so it has obvious European laws it must abide by. But there are servers/services in France (also EU law) and in the USA. E) Is the organization automatically required to abide by a certain country's laws because a person from that country becomes a member? F) If DCNF accept or provide support/services for a project, is the organization subject to the laws wherein the project's server resides (e.g. if the project stores source code on a South African server)? G) Does it matter for the organization which software license a project may use? E.g., GNU GPL vs US law. [2016-02-07 20:05] Feel free to read through it/comment. [2016-02-07 20:05] personal beef of mine - prefer brackets for URLs. ;) [2016-02-07 20:06] DCNF aims* [2016-02-07 20:06] EFF does _not_ have a mailing list, however it does have which is a simple e-mail address. [2016-02-07 20:06] I'd propose that cologic reviews it for grammar errors etc :P [2016-02-07 20:06] General grammar comment: it feels slightly off to refer to "DNCF" without an article, but I think that's my American English (organizations are singular) vs British English (organizations are plural) background, since singular but not plural nouns need some kind of article at least. [2016-02-07 20:07] That's fine, feel free to modify accordingly as per grammar. [2016-02-07 20:07] it might be useful to say how that Swedish-based entity relates to usually US-based open-source organizations (of the "xxx 3" or "xxx 6" kind). [2016-02-07 20:07] as those who are going to answer are more familiar with these US-based ones. [2016-02-07 20:08] e.g. should be e.g., [2016-02-07 20:08] poy: "xxx 3"? [2016-02-07 20:08] FSF? [2016-02-07 20:09] I'm wary of "can ... do this" unless what "this" has a clear, unambiguous referent, in a legal context. [2016-02-07 20:10] trying to find their real names... was mentioned during the talk... [2016-02-07 20:10] Well, it is obvious we are not lawyers. I think this shouldn't require exact legalise. [2016-02-07 20:10] If they need additional information, I guess we could provide that... [2016-02-07 20:11] We wouldn't have a need to ask them if we had been lawyers. :P [2016-02-07 20:12] I agree [2016-02-07 20:12] ah got it! most open-source foundations are either US "501(c)(3)" or US "501(c)(6)". people who will be answering that email are familiar with these. [2016-02-07 20:12] "a project may use" -> "uses", probably. Or, maybe not, but they mean different things and it depends precisely what one wants to nail down. [2016-02-07 20:12] It's a subtle distinction, so maybe it doesn't matter. [2016-02-07 20:13] But, basically, it's fine. It's at least consistent regarding the British approach of DCNF-as-plural-entity. [2016-02-07 20:13] poy: Perhaps a note in the end what exactly the organization is (per Swedish law and phrasing) and in comparsion to US law? [2016-02-07 20:13] (Also that EFF is treated as a plural entity) [2016-02-07 20:13] as far as grammar is concerned. I doubt we can really say one way or another about US vs UK english, pick one and try and stick to it in these kinds of formal correspondence, personally I tend to often mix and match [2016-02-07 20:13] please rephrase "if someone at the EFF could answer" - I think it is too "affirmative"... something like "if someone could provide us help with these". [2016-02-07 20:13] poy: Where such "501(c)(3)" is specified. [2016-02-07 20:13] Yeah, UK is fine, just, as you say, as long as it's consistent. It's jarring to switch back and forth. [2016-02-07 20:14] I suppose I'd have to read up on said US foundations. [2016-02-07 20:14] Pretorian: [2016-02-07 20:15] Oh, actually, okay, "the EFF's" in one place and just "EFF's" in another. That's inconsistent and one should pick which style one prefers. [2016-02-07 20:16] A non-profit in Sweden is tax exempt ONLY for certain amounts or for certain things, a non-profit is NOT carte blanche tax-exempt. [2016-02-07 20:16] Which, 501(c) seem to be. [2016-02-07 20:16] the questions look great to me. all I would add is some description of the DCNF and what it intends to do; the kinds of software it intends to help out. [2016-02-07 20:17] I'll echo poy here. [2016-02-07 20:18] cologic: Can you write a grammar error free one and send it to me? I'll add (unless you can do it) additional statements about DCNF, and its software etc, as well as a note per reference to the US equivalent. [2016-02-07 20:18] perhaps the FSFE (European branch) will be more familiar with Swedish specifics? send them the same email as well? [2016-02-07 20:18] Once that is done, I will forward/send it to the above stated e-mail. [2016-02-07 20:18] Pretorian: sure. [2016-02-07 20:18] poy: Sounds good. [2016-02-07 20:19] Any additional questions we wish to pose? [2016-02-07 20:20] I'll take that as a no, let's continue. [2016-02-07 20:20] * Investigate shifting website to a VCS for storage (includes presentation of options) [2016-02-07 20:20] Crise: This was yours [2016-02-07 20:20] What have you found/what can you present? [2016-02-07 20:21] Well, I intended to provide an unbiased comparison of SaaS that we could use, however, as it turns out git is everywhere these days... so [2016-02-07 20:22] does anyone have any strong points for using another decentralized VCS besides git? [2016-02-07 20:22] Don't really care. [2016-02-07 20:22] I used to prefer Mercurial for Windows support, but git's gotten significantly better at that in the last few years. [2016-02-07 20:22] +1 git [2016-02-07 20:22] I've always found hg easier than git but don't mind using git at all. [2016-02-07 20:23] Also, it's a winner-take-all market and git has won. There's a self-reinforcing social aspect here. [2016-02-07 20:23] Crise: Where should said Git repository be stored? [2016-02-07 20:23] re mercurial, afaik, bitbucket used to provide mercurial as hosted service but they too are git now [2016-02-07 20:23] It doesn't matter for a personal project, but the more people one wants to be involved, the more useful it is to use git. [2016-02-07 20:24] I still have a project on Bitbucket which uses Mercurial, so they do support at least to some extent, but yes, they're shifting to git too. [2016-02-07 20:24] fair point, now then as for git, we basically have github and bitbucket that are the larger well known ones... but for our purposes their free offerings are not sufficient [2016-02-07 20:25] namely lack of privacy [2016-02-07 20:25] What does non-free offerings cost and are they sufficient? [2016-02-07 20:26] DCNF would need an organization account on github... which costs more than their personal micro plan [2016-02-07 20:27] the git repo could be hosted on the server itself? since it's a repo for the server after all. [2016-02-07 20:27] as for bitbucket, their plans seem to differ mostly in terms of allocated resources [2016-02-07 20:28] poy: would there be any need for non-trusted people to access the repo directly? If so, that's an argument for using a service provider. Otherwise, your proposal seems reasonable. [2016-02-07 20:28] (I guess, what would be the scope of purpose for this repo?) [2016-02-07 20:29] however, there is a completely free option as well: this is https://about.gitlab.com/gitlab-com/, which is basically free github clone... to put it bluntly [2016-02-07 20:30] Huh, that's intriguing. I guess all of https://about.gitlab.com/features/ are what would distinguish it from poy's idea. [2016-02-07 20:30] as for poy's point: the reason why I prioritise SaaS offerings is because locally served repository adds more maintenance overhead on a centralized server [2016-02-07 20:31] also, re gitlab... while this is also SaaS, the CI of their software is opensource and can be locally hosted if needed [2016-02-07 20:32] ah I've only heard of gitlab as a self-hosted repo service so far; if they provide some saas, sounds cool... [2016-02-07 20:32] Which removes lock-in, which we've seen is a hazard of SF, and a potential critique of Github if one uses it beyondd basic git repos. [2016-02-07 20:35] but my personal opinion is to avoid putting the git repo on OVH, because it allows us to distribute access more freely, without ties to the actual server [2016-02-07 20:38] Are there people who should access the website's VCS but not the website hosting itself, in principle? [2016-02-07 20:38] The flexibility couldn't hurt, at least. [2016-02-07 20:40] cologic: that possibility of third parties needing access, and the doors it opens was the reason I looked at remotely hosted services first [2016-02-07 20:42] Crise: seems reasonable. [2016-02-07 20:42] ie. there has been talk about web services for projects... the simplest and easiest way to manage that is through VCS that is not tied to the server itself [2016-02-07 20:43] when it comes to actual execution it would involve using github style web hooks or some crafty cron jobs on the serverside [2016-02-07 20:46] which gitlab also has, not sure about bitbucket... but the way I see it is do we need the brand recognition of github and if we do, is it worth the price of admission for an organization account [2016-02-07 20:46] Fortunately, git's pretty flexible in that regard, yes. [2016-02-07 20:48] I'd say it depends how much one wants external-to-DCNF projects to use it. People will probably already have a github account, which would reduce barriers to entry, if that's the goal. If it's mostly for people who are going to be fairly involved, that might not matter much. If it's supposed to attract people who wouldn't otherwise be much involved, it will matter more. [2016-02-07 20:49] I'm still not sure about the scope, as cologic was asking... for a repository behind a website or some server settings, do we want to attact lots of people? [2016-02-07 20:50] the key points of the whole idea of using VCS in this manner is to be a) a self contained backup solution and b) decoupling access management from the actual server that does the gruntwork and can thus be subject to attacks [2016-02-07 20:51] so you're planning on using the saas gitlab offer? [2016-02-07 20:51] looking at the different ideas thrown around in the first ever DCNF meeting way back when is what would answer poy's question... VCS can be used to facilitate that kind of stuff as well to a degree [2016-02-07 20:53] at the moment yes, because it has the option of migrating to a locally hosted CE version of their software at any time if we really feel the need to have full control [2016-02-07 20:54] hehe i like the motto at the bottom of . [2016-02-07 20:54] so Crise, can you start settings things up (create accounts etc) and we can see where we're at next month? [2016-02-07 20:55] to wrap up on DCNF external stuff... it would at least allow people to make pull requests and update information relevant to their own projects without being involved in DCNF on any particular level [2016-02-07 20:57] which allows more information to be on the site in theory without bringing that much more overhead to us [2016-02-07 20:58] I can definitely set some stuff up so we can have a look around tthe whole thing as a collective [2016-02-07 20:58] unless there is anything else, I guess this wraps up this discussion [2016-02-07 21:00] moving to freenode . Session Start (FreeNode IRC:#dcnf): Sun Feb 07 21:01:11 2016 0200 <@CriseDX> did we get attacked again? also, did I miss anything the next point: "Website should contain member list (of board) and member count" Pub still down for me. hey? hey <@CriseDX> oi trying to continue without Pret. :P CriseDX: you're taking notes right? <@CriseDX> yes I am got something on the member list on the site? I guess we can skip it for now? I just tried logging in here via the web UI over Tor. I identified street name signs, rivers, auditoriums, mountains, and other geographical features a few times and it just looped back to blocking me. I don't think that works, but it was worth trying. I've read freenode does not support tor yet... <@CriseDX> I've got nothing on the website in terms of its current content no (also those street sign squares are kind of ambiguous -- not sure if a sliver of one's visible, or the back of one, or etc is there, if one is supposed to select that square in the puzzle) cologic: <(Link: https://freenode.net/irc_servers.shtml#tor)https://freenode.net/irc_servers.shtml#tor> <@CriseDX> I am going to suggest that next time we start the meeting some place that is less likely to keel over... this is starting to be a pattern well Pretorian might have info on this; for now I can't see that on <(Link: http://www.dcbase.org/)http://www.dcbase.org/>. moving on... next point: "Website should contain calendar and upcoming meetings" same - skipping. CriseDX: "starting to be" and "pattern" understate things, but I agree. Whom cares fuck this dcpp crap starting to get bored "Update of the forum software" - skipping. <@CriseDX> that is done <@CriseDX> as is the calendar oh sorry CriseDX, great then! next: "Investigate setting up an IRC channel" <@CriseDX> however, pret said something about it showing this meeting on a saturday, need to follow up with him on that all I have for now is <(Link: http://forums.mirc.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/89212/Hiding_your_IP_Address)http://forums.mirc.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/89212/Hiding_your_IP_Address> & <(Link: https://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks)https://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks>. Pretorian has set up this freenode channel, which seems like a good start. Flylink: so why bother attacking? Because TOR can do it <@CriseDX> and how is that in any way productive or fun for anyone Congratulations on doing something that I'm sure anyone else here has the technical capabilities to do also? back to the points (sorry have to leave soon): "Further HTTPS conversion management" <@CriseDX> cologic? That's mine. Mostly complete, with mop-up remaining. ok, next: "Address re-branding of the blog" It's shifted from setting up HTTPS initially to ongoing management of HTTPS. ghost time sorry trying to rush it too much. :S poy: yeah, no problem, I didn't have much to add. have we done anything on the blog branding? nothing it still needs keywords in frame <@CriseDX> This is going to be fun to write public notes for... as for the topic, that is entirely pretorians domain I see the name of <(Link: https://dcpp.wordpress.com/)https://dcpp.wordpress.com/> has changed to "Direct Connect: xxx", so Pretorian must have worked on this. <@CriseDX> his intention was to do it today I believe, but I don't know anything beyond that we plan the next meeting for Sunday, March 6th at 19:00 CET - ok with everyone? <@CriseDX> yes poy: works for me, yes. hey Did anyone else drop? The internet for my entire apartment dropped except for my tv (for some reason) <@CriseDX> mine too, on mobile now Sigh... I guess I'll have to file an actual police report on this. Because this can't go on all good here Pret_backup, but cologic & CriseDX got attacked too it seems. Pret_backup: we've just gone through the various points and were planning the next meeting for Sunday, March 6th at 19:00 CET. <@CriseDX> @CriseDX> I am going to suggest that next time we start the meeting some place that is less likely to keel over... this is starting to be a pattern... from before for pret... Well, I had a bunch of stuff I wanted to discuss... <@CriseDX> and for the record, I agree with pret... this is basically harrasment at this point <@CriseDX> Feel free to discuss, we can go over the points again, but poy has to leave afaik the best from what I have seen so far is to stay here on freenode but ask for cloaks <(Link: https://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks)https://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks> (for now our IPs are exposed here too). iceman50 might now more; he does have a cloak. Website should contain member list; this is done, see (Link: http://www.dcbase.org/faq)www.dcbase.org/faq Website should container calendar; this is done, see (Link: http://www.dcbase.org/meetings)www.dcbase.org/meetings Website is offline No cached version of this page is available. <@iceman50> getting a cloak is simple Update of the forum software; -Crise is this done? <@CriseDX> done <@iceman50> just find the online mods and send a quick message IRC channel investigation -- I suppose poy has already discussed this After this, can somone send me a pastebin or something of the previous discussion? <@CriseDX> I'll <@CriseDX> I have to stich one together anyways <@CriseDX> for the notes and logs Further HTTP conversion; cologic said this is basically done, but we need a cron-job or equivalent that is able to get a cert every 90 days <@iceman50> Now that you have a registered nick, you may request a cloak to conceal your IP. The simplest way to go about this is typing the command /stats p It gives a list of freenode staff who are available for help. Choose any of the nicks and type /msg staffnick Hello, may I have an unaffiliated cloak? Be sure to replace staffnick with one of the nicks listed with /stats p <@iceman50> If a nick doesn’t show up in the list, you have the option of waiting and trying again later or joining the public support channel #freenode and asking for a cloak there. It is not uncommon for many staffers to be available, but none listed in /stats p <@CriseDX> ty, iceman Re IRC, I have created a DCNF account, poy can you perhaps otherwise set up an IRC client on the OVH server? sucka DCNF Heil NexT Who is Flylink? Can someone grab their IP? Supposedly, they're yes we have - not sure it points anywhere useful. One man said who? This'll end up a police matter anyway... The Next Said No Ummmm Who is there? Me Who are Me? I do not know! Pret_backup: what I had to write on the IRC topic was unfortunately only the following: [20:10] all I have for now is <(Link: http://forums.mirc.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/89212/Hiding_your_IP_Address)http://forums.mirc.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/89212/Hiding_your_IP_Address> & <(Link: https://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks)https://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks>. Pretorian has set up this freenode channel, which seems like a good start. Maybe Anon CriseDX, iceman50, kick them please Who cares And ban Or at least make us +v and do +m suca <@iceman50> thdere Pret_backup: I'm not sure what you mean with that IRC client on the OVH server? Pret_backup: some sort of bouncer? poy: Well, at least one that is logged in here all the time. <@CriseDX> basically what has been done for the hub of sorts <@CriseDX> ie. logging ah, would be good. <@Pret_backup> The channel's registered though to me <@Pret_backup> To my Ullner account [2016-02-07 21:08] Shock, surprise, from OVH just now: "We have just detected an attack on IP address ..." [2016-02-07 21:10] would guffawing be an appropriate action as a response to that? :p [2016-02-07 21:15] Okay now I'm confused. Who/what is Flylink? Their initial response seemed to confirm my suspicion, but "nothing it still needs keywords in frame", if not the most productive response, is more or less on-topic. [2016-02-07 21:15] So unless they're alternating between coordinating a DDoS and contributing (slightly)... [2016-02-07 21:16] I never expected flylink people to be behind this... [2016-02-07 21:17] flylinkdc is a (pretty active) Russian mod of DC++. [2016-02-07 21:17] no way [2016-02-07 21:17] and they've contributed back to DC. [2016-02-07 21:17] to DC++*/ [2016-02-07 21:17] it redmaster as usual what's so hard to understand about this [2016-02-07 21:17] *it's [2016-02-07 21:17] ^ [2016-02-07 21:18] and to show that you can continue to talk elsewhere just made him more angry [2016-02-07 21:18] he'll probably ddos individual ips, in which case this hub will go down, too [2016-02-07 21:21] eMTee: well a guy named "flylink" came to the freenode channel and just trolls: - [20:09] fuck this dcpp crap starting to get bored - [20:10] Flylink: so why bother attacking? - [20:11] Because TOR can do it - [20:13] ghost time [2016-02-07 21:21] so we just assumed it's him, but it might not be. [2016-02-07 21:21] yeah, it's rm [2016-02-07 21:21] who else [2016-02-07 21:21] ah... [2016-02-07 21:21] eMTee: as in, that "Flylink" in what poy pasted is RM? [2016-02-07 21:21] pimenov would never ddos you he's a good guy [2016-02-07 21:22] Or just what you said before, that RM did it [2016-02-07 21:22] his information: - [20:21] == Flylink [05fe417b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] - [20:21] == realname : - http://webchat.freenode.net - [20:21] == channels : #dcnf - [20:21] == server : herbert.freenode.net [Webchat] - [20:21] == idle : 0 days 0 hours 1 minutes 9 seconds [connected: Sun Feb 07 20:03:37 2016] - [20:21] == End of WHOIS [2016-02-07 21:22] probably a tor exit node ip [2016-02-07 21:23] poy in a response to a question from me before there linked to https://freenode.net/irc_servers.shtml#tor [2016-02-07 21:23] "Connections to freenode directly from Tor exit nodes are not allowed, as it is impossible to distinguish traffic originating on that computer from Tor exit traffic. [2016-02-07 21:23] yeah it's from a romanian isp [2016-02-07 21:25] but it's rm you can see from the talk, too. bored idiot. [2016-02-07 21:26] apparently controlling the whole public DC is not enough for him [2016-02-07 21:27] It's really kind of unfortunate. Public DC had been declining for a while, but with the degree of control he has it's hard to meaningfully recover it even should interest hypothetically increase. [2016-02-07 21:27] and the same will happen next time when you start talking in the pub, just like it was a month ago and a year ago [2016-02-07 21:28] Yes, for someone for whom "this dcpp starting to get bored [sic]", he sure sticks around. [2016-02-07 21:28] he makes money off of it [2016-02-07 21:28] im sure he offers ddos services for money [2016-02-07 21:28] with the fake hubs [2016-02-07 21:28] though I'm sure the russians wouldn't be too pleased that he's smearing their name ;) [2016-02-07 21:28] Got to be pretty small-scale botnets by modern standards. [2016-02-07 21:29] small sure [2016-02-07 21:29] Maybe they gain value by not being the traditional already-totally-exploited malware-ridden machines though. [2016-02-07 21:29] Less competition in that way [2016-02-07 21:29] but if you have a few hundred people with 100+ mbit lines it can become somewhat cumbersome [2016-02-07 21:29] Yeah, obviously it's enough to disrupt things. [2016-02-07 21:30] you can add to the notes (Pretorian is off again): for next month I'll look into the IRC logger and IRC cloaks. [2016-02-07 21:31] im tempted to ban the web client [2016-02-07 21:31] THat does seem like it needs to be a priority. [2016-02-07 21:31] because that's all he's doing is using socks from the webclient [2016-02-07 21:31] er, to poy mostly [2016-02-07 21:33] poy has changed "topic" from "Next DCNF meeting will be on 2016-02-07 19.00 CET (meeting is in Public)" to "Next DCNF meeting: Sunday March 6th 19:00 CET" [2016-02-07 21:33] * poy is afk... [2016-02-07 21:33] I will have notes for this by tomorrow the latest, when I see Pret I'll hand him a copy of the IRC stuff as well [2016-02-07 21:33] And I'll have an edited (probably not by much, since it's mostly fine already) EFF/maybe-FSFE/etc letter. [2016-02-07 21:34] and +1 for banning any web based clients [2016-02-07 21:34] unfortunately [2016-02-07 21:34] Can't he SOCKS via IRC directly too? [2016-02-07 21:34] he's too stupid [2016-02-07 21:34] port 6667 or whatnot. [2016-02-07 21:34] he keeps using web clients [2016-02-07 21:34] for some awful reason [2016-02-07 21:34] ... huh. If so, I really overestimated him. [2016-02-07 21:35] - hihihihihihih * iceman50 sets ban on *!*@gateway/web/freenode/ip. * iceman50 has kicked Sulan_ from #dcnf (Sulan_) * poy has quit () * cologic has quit (Quit: Page closed) * IRCchammel (b2a2d826@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined * iceman50 sets ban on *!*@gateway/web/freenode/ip. * iceman50 has kicked IRCchammel from #dcnf (IRCchammel) [2016-02-07 21:35] he's a bad speller :p [2016-02-07 21:36] do we even know if he is behind the actual attacks... [2016-02-07 21:36] not solidly i would assume [2016-02-07 21:36] but it is safe to presume :p [2016-02-07 21:37] yeah, but looks like I too overestimated him... so immature [2016-02-07 21:38] I shouldn't even have dignified him with a response earlier [2016-02-07 21:39] * iceman50 sets ban on *!*@gateway/web/freenode [2016-02-07 21:39] should ban those clients for the time being [2016-02-07 21:45] poy: Well, at least one that is logged in here all the time. The channel's registered though to me To my Ullner account Re branding of the blog; a few things are done, changing names and removing certain topics etc. I am unsure if we can do anything further with the current setup (e.g., by changing the name of the blog itself). Check out http://dcpp.wordpress.com I've also moved a few of the links so they should point to HTTPS variants Pret_backup Additional items; history.txt is now available at https://www.dcbase.org/hub/history.txt -- This is basically the last 5000 lines I will make sure that such a script is part of ADCH++'s baseline (it's basically a few lines) This allows people, when the hub isn't being attacked and when *we* are not being attacked, to read the chat, if any. * I'd like +about and +rules to work in the hub, poy, can you update so they are operational? * MOTD should also be updated, but it's something I can do. * Everyone should remember to pay their memberfee, CriseDX, emtee and I have paid (I paid today). Pret_backup We need to do something drastic about the attacks, this simply cannot go on. I however, have no idea why people are doing this, apart from sheer enjoyment, and even that I don't understand... Pret_backup Did everyone leave or are people getting attacked... [2016-02-07 21:46] sigh [2016-02-07 21:46] Apparently not everyone else that got attacked, it was me